One Million Human Powered Miles

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Food like choices vs innately resonant choices and the beginnings of understanding elimination

You’ve probably heard the saying: “Abs are made in the kitchen!”

What they tell you is this is about portion control and micro managing your macros or large nutrients like proteins, carbs, fats and vitamins.

What this really means is that if one goes to a living foods diet high in raw, water rich, unpoisoned, sweet, ripe fruits supplemented with salads of greens and veggies of the softer fiber, higher in water content and sugars that require zero heating to render safe to eat and digestible, your body’s innate super intelligence will naturally release all the toxic water its accumulated due to poor and wrong food choices and nutrient ratios along with missing “Living Water” content.

Most of what we’ve been led to believe is weight gain due to fat is actually dirty water retention for the purpose of keeping us alive long enough to figure out how misaligned with nature we’ve chose to experience.

Let’s talk about the Lymph System for a bit…

Our bodies are composed of roughly 75 Trillion Cells.

Each one of these cells - give or take those that live on the outer surface of our skin, are surrounded by water.

Since the day of our conception to the day we take our final breath, these 75 trillion cells have been peeing and pooping into their surrounding waters.

These waterways are what collectively are known as our Lymph System.

The Lymph System is the Sewer System of the entire body from head to toes and finger tips to finger tips.

The Lymph System is as big as our circulatory system but has no heart to pump its volume of fluids or sewage.

The Lymph System can actually swell to contain up to 6 times the volume of the circulatory system!

No one would question how important our heart beat is towards the purification and deoxygenation of our blood is for keeping us alive. About 5 minutes of a lack of a heart beat and this lifetime is over!

For most supposedly educated humans the depth of their understanding of the Lymph System is a happenstance over hearing of someone on tv stating “The cancer is in the Lymph Nodes” - that’s about it!

Image 75 Trillion Cells worth of urine AKA Uric Acid and poop or the remains of metabolic combustion of the biological components of living foods, sitting in these microscopic sewers stagnating!

The only thing that moves lymph fluid is the massaging action of muscles rigorously contracting and being pulled and reextended through rigorous physical daily activities!

This massaging action moves lymph to larger pathways and organs like the kidneys, liver, lungs, skin and intestinal walls where the metabolic toxins and any externally brought in toxins via the air we breath, the water we drink, the so called foods we eat, anything that gets put on the skin or the skin is exposed to and absorbed.

All of these toxin sources end up in the lymph system.

Let’s talk more about Rigorous Activity:

Our Avatar like meat suits that make it possible for our etherically configured Spirits to actually conduct a meaningful and inner growth oriented “Earth Walk or Journey” is configured or designed to require at least 2 things keep its inner spaces Hygienically Clean.

They are a diet very low in materials the body cannot use that is high in what it needs for constant regeneration, updating of cells and systems, be lightly alkaline in pH so as to maintain an inner environment that is not friendly to bad bacteria who run amuck in an even slightly acidic pH inner environment. And of course the massaging effect of rigorous activities often.

The more living foods oriented the diet, the less time one must be moving to keep the lymph system clean. The more toxic or acidic the diet, constant rigorous movement becomes a life jacket towards keeping the inner spaces livable.

The alkaline vs acidic diet effects is why I am able to ride as little as once a week yet continue to grow stronger, faster and increase my endurance month in and month out.

A person on an acidic diet takes a few days off in a week and reports it seems like it took weeks to get back their edge!

In terms of longevity in both one’s athletic life and lifespan, which way do you think is most likely to produce the sustainability and overall inner system’s vitality needed to end up living a longer and happier lifetime?

Yet we’ve developed lifestyles that program our entire nation and most of the so called civilized world to seek to expend the least amount of effort shuffling from one place to sit to another place to sit.

We’re turning the entire human population into giant shuffling “Colostomy Bags” - what tons of what is labeled “Elderly” and often not even appearing to be or old enough to be labeled elderly get as an external plastic bag attachment via a hole in their lower abdominal wall to poop into instead of out their anus or butt holes due to our hypnotic addictions to primarily cooked and seasoned - tasted camouflaged food like choices gumming up and acidifying the entire digestive tract and killing the colon.

This has become “normal” now!

And like the band on the deck of the Titanic, they just keep the music playing - AKA (commercials selling Exlax or Pepto Bizmol or some other manmade high profit deception for health voodoo.)

The next post will be about Natural Hygiene - The Science of How the Body Actually Works to Heal, Balance, Hydrate, Regenerate and Maintain its Inner Cleanliness.

Stay Curious!
